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The MTP Council is mandated by the regions to issue recommendations on the use of medical devices. If a product is deemed to provide sufficient benefit in relation to the cost, a recommendation is given that the product either should be used or can be used.

If the measure is not deemed to provide sufficient benefit in relation to the cost, a recommendation is given to refrain from use. If a product is deemed not to comply with the regulations for information and personal data processing, the MTP Council may decide on a recommendation to refrain from use or to wait until the regulations are complied with.

Assessment of a product is made through a valuation in accordance with the ethical platform for prioritization in health care (prop 1996/97:60).

The ethical platform has three principles in hierarchical order, but must be handled as a whole:

  • Human value – care must respect the equal value of all people.
  • Needs and solidarity– more of the healthcare resources should be allocated to those who have the greatest needs, the most severe illnesses and the poorest quality of life.
  • Cost-effectiveness – means that a reasonable relationship between costs and benefits, measured in improved health and increased quality of life, must be pursued.