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Persistence. Baricitinib is potentially peristent according to expert (Researcher at the Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry (ACES), Stockholm University 2020-05-06).
Bioaccumulation. Baricitinib has low potential for bioaccumulation.
Toxicity. Baricitinib has moderate chronic toxicity.
Risk. Expected use of baricitinib from a European perspective gives the risk insignificant.


This summary information comes from assessment report for Olumiant (baricitinib).

Detailed information

Assessment report

Assessment report for Olumiant 15 December 2016 EMA/13493/2017.


Persistence:"DT50 water: 10.8/24.0 d. DT50 system 165/132 d. Compound shifts to sediment, 38–47% over the duration of the test" (OECD 308). Remarks. "Results obtained in two river systems; sediment risk assessment triggered." Baricitinib is potentially peristent according to expert (Researcher at the Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry (ACES), Stockholm University 2020-05-06).

Bioaccumulation: log Kow 1.4 (pH 5), 1.4 (pH 7) and1.5 (pH 9).

Toxicity: There are data for 3 trophic levels, most sensitive fish (Pimephales promelas) NOEC 600 microg/L.


The risk, PEC/PNEC, calculated from data in the assessment report from a European perspective:

PECsurface water, default Fpen = 0.02 microg/L.

PNEC = Lowest NOEC, 600 microg/L/10 (Assessment Factor (AF) for 3 chronic studies) = 60 microg/L

PEC/PNEC = 0.00033 gives the risk insignificant.

Fass environmental information

Environmental information for the substance is not available on fass.se (2020-05-26). It is voluntary for manufacturers to publish environmental impact information on fass.se.

Author: Health and Medical Care Administration, Region Stockholm