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Kommersiellt obunden läkemedelsinformation riktad till läkare och sjukvårdspersonal

Reference Group

A scientific reference group is linked to the work of the knowledge support Pharmaceuticals and Environment. The reference group is a discussion forum for both scientific content and user-friendliness based on the target group perspective.

The group consists of

Johanna Borgendahl, PhD, Sustainability department, Regional Chief Executive’s Office, Region Stockholm

Jerker Fick, researcher, Umeå universitet

Katharina Högdin, PhD, Assessor, Swedish Medical Products Agency

Marie-Louise Ovesjö, PhD, MD, consultant in clinical pharmacology at Södersjukhuset, Drug and Therapeutics Committee, Region Stockholm

Helena Ramström, Pharmacist, PhD, Health Care Administration, Region Stockholm

Katri Rosenthal Aizman, PhD, MD, Drug and Therapeutics Committee, Region Stockholm

Sofia Svebrant, Environmental coordinator, Uppsala university hospital, Region Uppsala

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