Persistence. It cannot be excluded that bromocriptine is persistent, due to the lack of data.
Bioaccumulation. Bromocriptine has low potential for bioaccumulation.
Toxicity. It cannot be excluded that bromocriptine is toxic, due to the lack of data.
Risk. Risk of environmental impact of bromocriptine cannot be excluded, due to the lack of environmental toxicity data.
The data on hazard and risk are based on previous environmental information on Environmental information is missing for bromocriptine (2023-05-24). It is voluntary for manufacturers to provide information about environmental impact on
Detailed information
Fass environmental information
Fass environmental information for Pravidel (bromocriptine) from Meda (downloaded 2018-10-31).
Persistence: No data.
Bioaccumulation: "A computed Log P of 3,8 (XLogP3) indicates that bromocriptine has low potential for bioaccumulation. Log P < 4 which justifies the phrase “Bromocriptine has low potential for bioaccumulation”."
Toxicity: No data.
According to the European Medicines Agency guideline on environmental risk assessment of medicinal products (EMA/CHMP/SWP/4447/00), use of bromocriptine is unlikely to represent a risk for the environment, because the predicted environmental concentration (PEC) is below the action limit 0,01 μg/L. Risk of environmental impact of bromocriptine cannot be excluded, due to the lack of environmental toxicity data.
Pharmaceutical analyses of water in Sweden
Bromocriptine has been found in sludge (6.3 microg/kg) and treated wastewater (5.6 ng/L) at Swedish national measurements in 2010 but not 2014. The reduction rate has been set between 55 and 75 percent. Bromocriptine has been below the LOQ (limit of quantification) in measurements of treated wastewater within the Stockholm region 2012–2016, as well as in measurements 2017 of treated wastewater, surface water and drinking water. In the report on drug residues in the Stockholm aquatic environment, bromocriptine has been found in treated wastewater from Henriksdal wastewater treatment plant and in sludge from the same wastewater treatment plant.
- för vårdpersonal
- IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd. Fick J, Lindberg RH, Kaj L, Brorström-Lundén E. Results from the Swedish National Screening Programme 2010. Subreport 3, B 2014 Pharmaceuticals.
- IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd Fick J, Lindberg RH, Fång J, Magnér J, Kaj L, Brorström-Lundén E. Screening 2014. Analysis of pharmaceuticals and hormones in samples from WWTPs and receiving waters. Rapport C 135.
- SLL. Sammanställning av läkemedelsprovtagningar - Bearbetning av regional försäljningsstatistik av läkemedel samt datamaterial från Stockholms läns landstings mätprogram för läkemedelssubstanser i vattenmiljö, 2012–2016.
- Stockholm Vatten. Läkemedelsrester i Stockholms vattenmiljö. 2010. ISBN 978-91-633-6642-0.
Author: Health and Medical Care Administration, Region Stockholm