Glyceryl trinitrate
Persistence. Glyceryl trinitrate is degraded in the environment.
Bioaccumulation. Glyceryl trinitrate has low potential for bioaccumulation.
Toxicity. Glyceryl trinitrate has very high acute toxicity.
Risk. The use of glyceryl trinitrate (sales data Sweden 2019) has been considered to result in insignificant environmental risk.
This summary information comes from Fass.
Detailed information
Fass environmental information
Fass environmental information for Transiderm-Nitro (Glyceryltrinitrat) from Novartis (dowloaded 2022-04-26).
Persistence: "Sewage treatment plants: 53.6 % loss of nitroglycerin (30°C, 5 days, activated sludge inoculum, shake-flask test) (non-standard method).
92.2 % reduction of nitroglycerin (room temperature, 84 hours, continious bench-scale activated sludge apparatus) (non-standard method).
100 % loss of nitrate esters (chemostat, continuous culture, aerobic system, 8-15 hours) (non-standard method).
100 % mineralization (mixed cultures, anaerobic digester, 4 days, digester sludge amended with glucose) (non-standard method).
River water and water-sediment systems:
100% (13 days, river water and river water/sediment microcosms)
Half-life = 1 hour."
See more information in Fass environmental information for Transiderm-Nitro. "Based on the weight of evidence presented above from the sewage treatment plant and river water and water-sediment system studies, the following degradation phrase is chosen: ‘Glyceryl trinitrate is degraded in the environment’."
Bioaccumulation: Log Kow = 1.62 (method unknown).
BCF = 5 (method unknown).
Acute toxicity: There are data for 3 trophic levels, most sensitive algae 400 microg/L.
PEC/PNEC is based on sales data in Sweden in year 2019. PEC/PNEC = 0.0083 which gives the risk insignificant.
Author: Health and Medical Care Administration, Region Stockholm