This summary information comes from Fass. It is voluntary for manufacturers to provide information on environmental impact on fass.se.
Persistence. Ipratropium is potentially persistent.
Bioaccumulation. Ipratropium has low potential for bioaccumulation.
Toxicity. It cannot be excluded that ipratropium is toxic, due to the lack of data.
Risk. Risk of environmental impact of ipratropium cannot be excluded, since there is not sufficient ecotoxicity data available.
Detailed information
Fass environmental information
Fass environmental information for Atrovent (ipratropium) from Boehringer Ingelheim (downloaded 2022-01-13).
Persistence: "Ipratropium is not readily biodegradable (CO2-production test, detailed method unknown, no standard guideline used) (Ref II). The phrase ”Ipratropium is potentially persistent” is therefore used."
Bioaccumulation: "log P = -2.2 at pH 7 (Detailed method unknown, no standard guideline used. log P was estimated via the determination of Ipratropium concentrations in the water and octanol phase, respectively.)"
Toxicity: "Environmental assessment was based on toxicity data; however as only one and not three different trophic levels were available, a valid PNEC cannot be calculated." However, no data are reported.
Risk of environmental impact of ipratropium cannot be excluded, since there is not sufficient ecotoxicity data available.
Pharmaceutial residues in the aquatic environment in Sweden
Ipratropium has previously been found in the aquatic environment in the Stockholm area. When changing the analysis laboratory, ipratropium is no longer included among the pharmaceutical substances that are monitored in the Stockholm Region.
Author: Health and Medical Care Administration, Region Stockholm