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Kommersiellt obunden läkemedelsinformation riktad till läkare och sjukvårdspersonal



This summary information comes from various Fass texts, see under detailed information, including previously published information.


Persistence. Methylphenidate is potentially persistent.
Bioaccumulation. Methylphenidate has low potential for bioaccumulation.
Toxicity. Methylphenidate has high acute toxicity.
Risk. The use of methylphenidate (sales data Sweden 2019) has been considered to result in insignificant environmental risk.

Detailed information

Fass environmental information


Persistence according to Fass environmental information for Ritalin downloaded 2011-05-27: "Degradation: 4% (aerobic, OECD 301E) not readily biodegradable."

Bioaccumulation according to Fass environmental information for Concerta downloaded 2021-07-02: log Dow = 0.2.

Acute toxicity according to Fass environmental information for Concerta downloaded 2011-05-27: Data for 3 trophic levels, lowest for green algae (Selenastrum capricornutum) 6 mg/L.


Fass environmental information for Concerta (methylphenidate) downloaded 2021-07-02 states: Risk of environmental impact of methylphenidate cannot be excluded due to the lack of environmental toxicity data. Manufacturer has on fass.se stated that data about the environmental impact is missing for the substance so that the environmental risk cannot be calculated. It is voluntary for manufacturers to provide information on the environmental impact on fass.se.

PEC/PNEC is based on sales data in Sweden in year 2019 according to Fass environmental information for Concerta downloaded 2021-07-02. PEC = 0.146449664 microg/L. PNEC (Fass environmental information for Concerta downloaded 2011-05-27) = 6 mg/L/1000 (AF) = 6 microg/L. PEC/PNEC = 0,024 which gives the risk insignificant.

Author: Health and Medical Care Administration, Region Stockholm