This summary information comes from Fass. The risk is also confirmed by the investigation from Goodpoint.
Persistence. Metoprolol is potentially persistent.
Bioaccumulation. Metoprolol has low potential for bioaccumulation.
Toxicity. Metoprolol has moderate acute toxicity.
Risk. The use of metoprolol (sales data Sweden 2017) has been considered to result in low environmental risk.
Detailed information
Fass environmental
Fass environmental information for Bloxazoc (metolprolol) from Krka (hämtad 2021-06-28). The environmental information for metoprolol is provided by the company AstraZeneca for Mozoc, Mozoc® and Seloken®.
Persistence: "The aerobic biodegradation was determined in accordance with ISO 7827-1984 (E), using the OECD guidelines’ criteria for ready biodegradation. According to the results, metoprolol is not readily biodegradable (loss of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) <70% after 28 days). Based on the data above (considering that no ther data is available), the statement “Metoprolol is potentially persistent” is justified."
Bioaccumulation: "Log P = < 4 at pH 7. Metoprolol has no significant bioaccumulation potential, as indicated by the Log P. Therefore the statement: “Metoprolol has low potential for bioaccumulation” is used."
Toxicity: There are data for 3 trophic levels, most sensitive green alga (Desmodemus subspicatus) 7 300 microg/L.
PEC/PNEC is based on sales data in Sweden in year 2017. PEC/PNEC = 0.29 which gives the risk low.
Report Goodpoint 2016
The knowledge of exposure in Sweden is very good. Reports showing effects at low levels are doubtful. Based on evidence-based efficacy data, the risk is assessed as low.
Pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment in Stockholm Region
Metoprolol has been detected in treated wastewater, surface water and drinking water in Region Stockholm.
Metoprolol has been found in spiders
Metoprolol was one of the top 5 most frequently detected pharmaceuticals in spiders (article Richmond et al. 2018).
- för vårdpersonal
- Goodpoint. Prioritering av läkemedel med miljörisk inom SLL. Stockholm: Goodpoint; 2016. Rapport LS 2016–0634.
- Czech B, Jośko I, Oleszczuk P. Ecotoxicological evaluation of selected pharmaceuticals to Vibrio fischeri and Daphnia magna before and after photooxidation process. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2014;104:247-53.
- IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd. Fick J, Lindberg RH, Kaj L, Brorström-Lundén E. Results from the Swedish National Screening Programme 2010. Subreport 3, B 2014 Pharmaceuticals.
- IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd Fick J, Lindberg RH, Fång J, Magnér J, Kaj L, Brorström-Lundén E. Screening 2014. Analysis of pharmaceuticals and hormones in samples from WWTPs and receiving waters. Rapport C 135.
- Fick J, Lindberg RH, Tysklind M, Larsson DG. Predicted critical environmental concentrations for 500 pharmaceuticals. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2010;58:516-23.
- Stockholm Vatten. Läkemedelsrester i Stockholms vattenmiljö. 2010. ISBN 978-91-633-6642-0.
- Provtagningar av läkemedelsrester i vatten, sediment och fisk för Region Stockholm.
- Richmond EK, Rosi EJ, Walters DM, Fick J, Hamilton SK, Brodin T et al. A diverse suite of pharmaceuticals contaminates stream and riparian food webs. Nat Commun. 2018;9(1):4491.
Author: Health and Medical Care Administration, Region Stockholm