Persistens. Data saknas.
Bioackumulering. Data saknas.
Toxicitet. Data saknas.
Risk. Kan inte uteslutas.
Miljöinformation saknas på för bimatoprost (2020-09-07).
Detaljerad information
Utredningsrapport/vetenskaplig diskussion
Vetenskaplig diskussion för Lumigan (bimatoprost) 08/12/2005, EMA 2004
"Risk characterisation calculations have been conducted, showing that the Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC) of bimatoprost falls below the threshold values for water, soil and grassland. On the background of the calculations, it was considered that the environmental impact of the PEC’s will be insignificant associated with use and disposal of the product by the users." Inga data framgår.
Utredningsrapport för Lumigan London, 7 januari 2010 Doc. Ref: EMA/105752/2010
"Based on the data submitted by the MAH (marketing authorisation holder, red. anm.), the use of Lumigan 0.01% is unlikely to represent a risk for the environment when used in the proposed indication and recommended dose." Inga data framgår.
Författad vid avdelningen Kunskapsutveckling, Region Stockholm