Fara - P - B 3 T - Risk Kan inte uteslutas
Underliggande data om B och risk kommer från Fass.
Fass miljöinformation
Fass miljöinformation för Zemplar (parikalcitol), hämtad 2019-04-24.
Persistens: Inga data.
Bioackumulation: "The result was Log Dow = 5.83 at pH 7.4 (guideline e.g. OECD 107). [...] Since log Dow > 4 at pH 7.4, paricalcitol has high potential for bioaccumulation."
Toxicitet: Inga data.
"According to the European Medicines Agency guideline on environmental risk assessment of medicinal products (EMA/CHMP/SWP/4447/00), use of paricalcitol is unlikely to represent a risk for the environment, because the predicted environmental concentration (PEC) is below the action limit of 0.01 μg/L."
Författad vid avdelningen Kunskapsutveckling, Region Stockholm